Getting things tightened up for a public release, here’s a few of the changes made:
- Added 1 vs 1 Regular Chess to Practice Games and perfected the rules and switching between modes
- Fixed position of captured pieces to put on the corners properly
- Technical revisions to the computer moves, calculating whether a kill is worth the sacrifice, and humanized decision making
- Added new material color textures for pieces using realtime AI style transference (Note: Impacted performance on Android FPS, desktop only for now)
- Fine-tuned camera movements on Android version with touch gestures to rotate, tilt, zoom and pan with ease
- Perfected black outlines around 2D pieces & added textures
- Made Tooltip disappear when hovering over piece for few seconds, especially nice on mobile touch screen
- Now syncs fully with website account and purchased subscription level
- Upgraded VR engine with Mixed Reality Toolkit 2.4, with many fixes and more compatibility
- Upgraded to Unity 2019.3, which took some work to fix all the breaks
- Various features added in Virtual Reality interface with screens that comfortably follow and prompts in your face
- Can pick up and drag your piece with hands or controller, then drop on nearest skquare
- Other little fixes here and there you probably won’t notice, but it’s time to polish it off…
v0.9.94 Update
- Added Secondary Colors to all the player colors. Shows as outline of 2D Chess Pieces, so color contrast is more artistic & discernible
- Updated Language Engine, added more UI to translations, improved code around Localization
- Had to remove the deluxe colors I made using an AI Style Transference material that I really liked and made 12 amazing looks for the pieces, however I discovered that it only worked well on Windows and would bring all other platforms to a crawl
- Various other updates and bug fixes…