Just a few needed updates, working out the little kinks. Here’s what’s changed:
- Added a nice popup window on Game Over in multiplayer and practice to tell who won and how much was won or lost in wager
- Converted most all the text to every language, localizing the toggle switches and more of the interface
- Added camera preset keys of 9 and 0 to give a top view as an X or +
- Enhanced bottom-right Mic Button with Push-To-Talk when held or toggle on/off when clicked
- Corrected space-bar Push-To-Talk, disabled it when Text Chat Message fields are in focus so it doesn’t turn on/on when typing
- Improved triangle talk indicator above King. Now fades in/out and slowly rotates, because it’s cool.
- Fixed minor bugs with the Voice Chat system, nice and seamless now, try to crash it.
- Fixed issue when trying to get out of check in Multiplayer game
- Fixed problem when returning to Waiting Room after finishing Multiplayer, cleared messages, restored missing elements, other weird bugs
- Fixed Number of Players Slider when first going into Create New Game, had to hack a patch for MaterialUnity bug
- Fixed Multiplayer game with Extra Corner Square disabled, it wasn’t always applying rule to turn off the skquares
- Fixed occasional startup bug on slower computers, accessing screens before they were ready, added small delay
- Adjusted spacing of interfaces on screens to make room for translated languages that can get long
- Disabled buttons to Takeback Move (if disabled), Change Game Options and Reset Game when starting Multi-Player game, reenable in practice
- Added swoosh sound effect when transitioning through the screens. Made it myself..
More good revisions to come, but wanted to put these up before tackling the next block. Stay tuned!